Find your food balance.

Losing weight does not have to be distasteful. Jumpstart your health in just one week with our kilter programs. 

fit for everyday life.

what is kilter? 

kilter is a life-changing health program made up of nutritional food plans, personal and group fitness training, and accountability coaching. 

find food zen, not food coma.

Each kilter food program comes with nutritious, easy-to-follow recipes packed with flavor, not calories. With all-natural, clean ingredients to boot. No powders, supplements, or gimmicks.

Save money while losing weight. 

kilter works hard to work for you. All our ingredients can be found at your local grocer. We also provide time-saving recommendations from Trader Joe's, Costco, and Amazon, to name a few

Start with our k7 or k30 programs and set yourself up for ongoing success.

Kilter 7

A 7-day starter program designed to jumpstart your kilter journey to better health. Start with k7 to ease into a more structured (yet flexible) food relationship for life. You’ll feel refreshed before you know it. 

Kilter 30

Ready for a big change? k30 is 4-week food program. Learn kilter fundamentals, eliminate sugary, processed foods and add more zest into your life. What’s in a month? A better, balanced you. That's what.

Kilter 30+

k30+ combines k30 food, fitness, and accountability coaching. Meet with Angela 1x per week for 4 weeks to train plus daily check-ins to keep you on track. Don’t worry, she doesn’t bite. Most days. 


curious about kilter?

Check out our most frequently asked questions.