recipe of the month

MAY 5TH, 2018

Cinco de Mayo is often referred to a “Cinco de drink-o.” Most of the kilter community looks forward to any reason to condone eating nachos and drinking margaritas — especially Angela, founder and CEO. But true to kilter form, we create modifications or “kilterfy” where we can. That way we splurge and enjoy ourselves without getting too far off the kilter track — and it helps out the next morning too, if you catch our drift. For Cinco de Mayo and the month of May, enter...


Our take on a typically syrupy, sugary, salty, makes you bloated (and thus, hungover) margarita. For purposes of today, we decided to go with the “party batch” proportions in case you want to share.


  • Your favorite tequila — blue agave tequila has added health benefits. We usually have good luck finding tasty, affordable options at T-Joe’s, Costco, or Wine World. 
  • 4 oranges, 6 limes, 2 lemons (juiced)
  • 2 Mexican beers
  • 4 lime seltzer/soda water

Mix everything in large pitcher. Pour into glasses filled with ice. If you’re feeling fancy (because today is also Derby Day), add sliced fruit to pitcher, or as accoutrement on your glasses. Olé!